#IOTA-ES ASTEROIDAL OCCULTATION - REPORT FORM 2.03 #Event #Occultation: NEGATIVE #DATE: 19 January 2024 #PREDICTTIME: 19 Jan; 19:30:08 UT #STAR: UCAC4 595-036488 #ASTEROID: 1999 XN226 #Nr: 310432 #OBSERVER #Observer1: Stefano Sposetti #Observer2: #moreObs: #E-mail: stefanosposetti@ticino.com #Address: CH-6525 Gnosca #OBSERVING_STATION #NearestCity: Gnosca #Countrycode: CH #Coordinates LAT +/-DD MM SS.S LON +/-DDD MM SS.S #Latitude: +46 13 53.2 #Longitude: +009 01 26.5 #Altitude: 260 #Datum _blank=WGS84 N=NAD1927 E=ED1950 T=Tokyo G=GB1936 *=unspecified, or other #Datum: #Teleskop _=unstated 1=Refractor 2=Newtonian 3=SCT 4=Dobsonian 5=Binoculars 6=Other 7=None 8=eVscope #Telescope: 2 #Aperture in cm #Aperture: 42 #FocalLength in cm #FocalLength: 164 #ObservingMethod _=unspecified a=Analogue & digital video b=Digital SLR-camera video c=Photometer d=Sequential images e=Drift scan f=Visual g=Other #ObservingMethod: a #Observation #StartObs: 19:29:15.0 #D D=Main Star d=second Star G=satellite main star g=satellite 2nd star N=ring M=non detection +time hh:mm:ss.s #D: M #Acc_D: #R R=Main Star r=second Star B=satellite main star b=satellite 2nd star N=ring M=non detection +time hh:mm:ss.s #R: R #Acc_R: #EndObs: 19:31:13:0 #Duration: #Exp_Time: 0.020 #Timesource _=unspecified a=GPS b=NTP c=Telephone (fixed or mobile) d=Radio time signal e=Internal clock of recorder f=Stopwatch g=Other #Timesource: a #Camera: QHY174M-GPS #Signal/Noise: #Weatherconditions #Wind: #Temperature: #Transparency 1=Clear 2=Fog 3=Thin cloud <2 [mag loss <2 mag.] 4=Thick cloud >2 [mag loss >2 mag. 5=Broken opaque cloud [that is, observed thru gaps in the cloud] 6=Star faint 7=By averted vision #Transparency: 1 #Stability _=unstated 1=Steady 2=Slight flickering 3=Strong flickering #Stability: 3 #Comments: # #EXTRA_FIELDS #Feed: IBEROC Events #MpcObsCode: 143 #Prediction: #ProbabilityPercent: #PredictedDurationSec: #DistanceCentralLineKm: 21 km #PathWidthKm: 16 km #StarAltDeg: 52° #StarAzDeg: @101° #StarConstellation: Gemini #AsteroidMag: #AsteroidDiameterKm: #CombinedMag: 11.1 #DeltaMag: #MoonAltitude: 62° #TelescopeType: Newtonian #MountModel: german #MountMotorDrive: yes #StartObsAccSec: #EndObsAccSec: #FieldOfView: #CameraGainDb: #CameraBinning: 2x2 #CameraWidthHeight: 900x600 #CameraRecordingFormat: ADV #ImageSensor: #TimeSource: #TimeInserter: #FrameGrabber: #RecordingSoftware: SharpCapVersion=4.0.9478.0 #LightcurveExtractionSoftware: Tangra v3.7 #LightcurveAnalysisSoftware: AOTA v4.2022.11.10 # #ErrorInTime: +/- 9 sec #StarMagnitudeInV: 11.1 #StarMagnitudeInR: 10.8 #MaxDuration: 1 sec #MagnitudeDrop: 8.6 #MagnitudeDropInR: 8.5 #EventRank: 8 #Probability: 4.4% #ExtraComments: