#################### PYOTE 5.4.9 session started: Tue Jan 16 12:41:54 2024 #################### filename: C:/Users/Stefan/Pictures/2024/2024-01-16 Sternbed 2000 OS52/LC-31.csv ==================== file header lines ==================== # PyMovie Version 4.0.5 # source: C:\Users\Stefan\Pictures\2024\2024-01-16 Sternbed 2000 OS52\20240116_003545_480x300_G24dB_0100ms.adv # # Aperture photometry was used to extract the lightcurves # # lunar background: False # yellow mask = default: False # # aperture name: target # ____ aperture size: 31 # ____ x,y: (233, 156) at frame 399 # ____ threshold: 62 # ____ def mask radius: 3.2 # ____ color: green # ____ joggable: False # ____ auto textOut: False # ____ thumbnail source: False # ____ csv output order: 1 # # aperture name: ap03 # ____ aperture size: 31 # ____ x,y: (235, 60) at frame 399 # ____ threshold: 66 # ____ def mask radius: 3.2 # ____ color: yellow # ____ joggable: True # ____ auto textOut: False # ____ thumbnail source: False # ____ csv output order: 3 # # date at frame 0: 2024-01-16 #ACQUISITION-DELAY: 0.0 #ALTITUDE: 555.0 #AUTHOR: Stefan Meister #BINNING-X: 4 #BINNING-Y: 4 #CAMERA-DRIVER-NAME: UVC #CAMERA-FIRMWARE-VERSION: 1.2.0 #CAMERA-MODEL: DVTI+CAM #CAMERA-SENSOR-INFO: Sony IMX174LLJ-C (1/1.2" 1920x1200 5.86um CIS) #CAMERA-SERIAL-NO: 19 #CAMERA-VENDOR-NAME: DVTI #COMMENT: #HEIGHT: 300 #INSTRUMENT: DVTI+CAM #19 FW 1.2.0, Sensor IMX174 #LATITUDE: 47.5195672 #LONGITUDE: 8.5707101 #OBJNAME: (34066) 2000 OS52 occ. UCAC4 569-036485 #OBSERVER: Stefan Meister #RECORDER-SOFTWARE: DvtiCamControl #RECORDER-SOFTWARE-VERSION: 5.8.0-44 #TELESCOPE: Newton 2.5m #WIDTH: 480 # # Aperture photometry was used to extract the lightcurves ==================== end header lines ==================== No time step irregularities found. timeDelta: 0.100015 seconds per reading timestamp error rate: 0.00% signal-ap03 is selected as the reference curve for normalization. signal-target is the target curve. D zone selected: [26, 178] R zone selected: [180, 339] Locate a "D and R" event has been selected Number of candidate solutions: 24480 (using D/R region selections) New solver results... Integer (non-subframe) solution... sigB:206.24 sigA:233.34 B:841.71 A:-26.60 in entryNum units: D: 176 R: 182 noise corr coefs: [1.00] (based on 393 points) sigmaB: 189.64 Subframe adjusted solution... sigB:189.64 sigA:141.16 B:847.95 A:-29.80 in entryNum units: D: 177 R: 183 D(subframe): 177.3655 R(subframe): 183.0000 in frameNum units: D: 177 R: 183 D(subframe): 177.3655 R(subframe): 183.0000 ... end New solver results signal-target is the target curve. Calculating the noise-induced-drop probability - this can take many seconds! Be patient. Error bar report based on 50,000 simulations (units are readings)... loDbar @ .68 ci: -0.2103 hiDbar @ .68 ci: 0.2062 loDbar @ .95 ci: -0.5005 hiDbar @ .95 ci: 0.5104 loDbar @ .9973 ci: -0.9646 hiDbar @ .9973 ci: 0.9805 loDurBar @ .68 ci: -0.3313 hiDurBar @ .68 ci: 0.2992 loDurBar @ .95 ci: -0.7225 hiDurBar @ .95 ci: 0.6842 loDurBar @ .9973 ci: -1.2600 hiDurBar @ .9973 ci: 1.2225 Timestamp validity check ... From timestamps at D and R, calculated 6 reading blocks. From reading blocks, calculated 6 blocks. Timestamps appear valid @ D and R ================= 0.68 containment interval report ================= B: 847.95 {+/- 9.56} sigmaB: 189.64 A: -29.80 {+/- 65.57} sigmaA: 141.16 magDrop report: percentDrop: 100.0 (magDrop cannot be calculated because A < 0) DNR: 4.63 D: 177.37 {+0.21,-0.21} (frame number) D: [00:36:03.5406] {+0.0206,-0.0210} seconds R: 183.00 {+0.21,-0.21} (frame number) R: [00:36:04.1040] {+0.0210,-0.0206} seconds Duration (R - D): 5.6345 {+0.3152,-0.3152} readings Duration (R - D): 0.5634 {+0.0315,-0.0315} seconds =============== end 0.68 containment interval report =============== ================= 0.95 containment interval report ================= B: 847.95 {+/- 19.12} sigmaB: 189.64 A: -29.80 {+/- 131.14} sigmaA: 141.16 magDrop report: percentDrop: 100.0 (magDrop cannot be calculated because A < 0) DNR: 4.63 D: 177.37 {+0.51,-0.50} (frame number) D: [00:36:03.5406] {+0.0510,-0.0501} seconds R: 183.00 {+0.50,-0.51} (frame number) R: [00:36:04.1040] {+0.0501,-0.0510} seconds Duration (R - D): 5.6345 {+0.7034,-0.7034} readings Duration (R - D): 0.5634 {+0.0703,-0.0703} seconds =============== end 0.95 containment interval report =============== ================= 0.9973 containment interval report =============== B: 847.95 {+/- 28.69} sigmaB: 189.64 A: -29.80 {+/- 196.71} sigmaA: 141.16 magDrop report: percentDrop: 100.0 (magDrop cannot be calculated because A < 0) DNR: 4.63 D: 177.37 {+0.98,-0.96} (frame number) D: [00:36:03.5406] {+0.0981,-0.0965} seconds R: 183.00 {+0.96,-0.98} (frame number) R: [00:36:04.1040] {+0.0965,-0.0981} seconds Duration (R - D): 5.6345 {+1.2412,-1.2412} readings Duration (R - D): 0.5634 {+0.1241,-0.1241} seconds =============== end 0.9973 containment interval report ============= D frame number: 177.37 D: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.21} (readings) D: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.51} (readings) D: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.98} (readings) R frame number: 183.00 R: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.21} (readings) R: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.51} (readings) R: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.98} (readings) Duration (R - D): 5.6345 readings Duration: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.3152} (readings) Duration: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.7034} (readings) Duration: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 1.2412} (readings) =============== Summary report for Excel file ===================== This light curve has not been block integrated. The observed drop has an estimated 10.3 sigma level of being a noise-induced-event All times are calculated/reported based on the assumption that timestamps are start-of-exposure times. It is critical that you make appropriate time adjustments when timestamps are NOT start-of-exposure times. If you use the North American Excel Spreadsheet report, all times will be properly corrected for camera delay and reported start-of-exposure times. For other users worldwide, use the appropriate corrections documented in the North American Spreadsheet report form - use the documentation shown on the Corrections Tables tab. magDrop report: percentDrop: 100.0 (magDrop cannot be calculated because A < 0) DNR: 4.63 D time: [00:36:03.5406] D: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0210} seconds D: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0510} seconds D: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0981} seconds R time: [00:36:04.1040] R: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0210} seconds R: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0510} seconds R: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0981} seconds Duration (R - D): 0.5634 seconds Duration: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0315} seconds Duration: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.0703} seconds Duration: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.1241} seconds Enter D and R error bars for each containment interval in Excel spreadsheet without + or - sign (assumed to be +/-) =========== end Summary report for Excel file ===================== Solution 'envelope' in the main plot drawn using 0.95 containment interval error bars fit metrics for signal-target fit metrics === noise-induced-event metric: 1.219 time error bar: +/- 0.0510 seconds DNR: 4.63 fit metrics === B: 847.95 A: -29.80 sigmaB: 189.64 sigmaA: 141.16 fit metrics === from noise-induced-event test (observed drop: 877.8) (three sigma drop from noise: 395.5) gives margin: 482.3 fit metrics === observed drop has an estimated 10.3 sigma level of being a noise-induced-event fit metrics === magDrop report: percentDrop: 100.0 (magDrop cannot be calculated because A < 0) fit metrics === D frame number: 177.3655 fit metrics === R frame number: 183.0000 fit metrics === duration: 0.5634 seconds fit metrics === D time: [00:36:03.5406] fit metrics === R time: [00:36:04.1040] signal-target is the target curve. #################### Session ended: Tue Jan 16 12:46:04 2024 ####################