1 DATE : 26/AUG/2003 STAR : TYC 5757-00353-1 ASTEROID : (490) BERTHOLDA 2.OBSERVER: Name: Stefano SPOSETTI Address: CH-6525 Gnosca, Switzerland E-mail: stefanosposetti@freesurf.ch 3.OBSERVING STATION: Nearest city: CH-6500 Bellinzona Station: Gnosca Observatory Latitude: 46deg 13min 54sec (N) Longitude: 9deg 1min 30sec (E) Altitude: 260 m Single/Multiple: single 4.TIMING OF EVENTS: Occultation recorded: NO 5.TELESCOPE: Type: Newtonian Aperture: 40cm Magnification: - Mount: equatorial Motor drive: no 6.TIMING & RECORDING: Timekeeping: portable clock, DCF77 radiocontrolled Mode of recording: CCD scan Device of recording: CCD 7.OBSERVING CONDITIONS: Atmospheric transparency: good Wind: no Star image stability: good Temperature: 24 deg C 8.ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Due to CCD "drift scan" mode I observed no occultation in seven 70-seconds intervals. U.T. intervals : from 21:39:27 to 21:40:37 from 21:40:47 to 21:41:57 from 21:42:07 to 21:43:17 from 21:43:27 to 21:44:37 from 21:44:48 to 21:45:58 from 21:46:08 to 21:47:18 from 21:47:28 to 21:48:38 Precision of time measurement: +-1sec.